Tag: Apple
“He Can’t Win”
???He Can???t Win??? via Daring Fireball by John Gruber on 4/9/10Cringely, quoting Bill Gates from 1998: ???What I can???t figure out is why he (Steve Jobs) is even trying (to be the CEO of Apple)? He knows he can???t win.??? ???
Apple iPhoto ’09 Mini-Review: Faces Tell Many Stories
If you’ve had the chance to play around with Apple’s new iLife ’09, you no doubtedly have encountered some pleasant surprises with the updated iPhoto. No, I’m not talking about the useful geo-tagging or the integration with Flickr and social-media heavyweight Facebook… I’m referring to iPhoto’s amazing facial recognition which uncovers subtle things that make…
Howto: Replace or Upgrade your MacBook Pro RAM
Sure, there have been many tutorials done about how to replace the memory chips in Macs but doggone it, I just had to make one myself. This one is custom-tailored for the IT staff at the public agency where I work to demonstrate how simple the procedure is. Don’t worry guys, it’s a piece of…