Tag: Design

  • What makes a great logo?

    Title speaks for itself. Check it out. Great article. If you’re also wondering where to find resources to study logo design, you might want to pick up an issue of How Design or Communicaton Arts. read more | digg story

  • WTF Code: Reinventing the Web

    Our friends at Daily WTF bring us some code hilarity: …David had some time on his hands and a great idea for a web app: that’s the recipe for success. Wanting to concentrate on the PHP back-end, he brought in a friend to develop the AJAX front-end. Unfortunately, things started to get thorny when it…

  • The pitfalls of web design using GUI editors

    This is a touchy subject for some because there is a valid argument in support of GUI apps for web development (emphasis by me). Some people say that designers should use the GUI solely and that allows them the freedom to create unhindered. The other side of that argument are the support and programming issues.…